Nicol Squash stands as a premier squash club nestled in the heart of New York, guided by the expert leadership of former world no1 squash player, Peter Nicol Renowned for its commitment to promoting and advancing the sport of squash, the club provides a comprehensive range of services to cater to enthusiasts of all skill levels With Peter Nicol at the helm, members benefit from a wealth of knowledge and expertise, gaining insights from a seasoned professional who has left an indelible mark on the world of squash One of the club’s standout features is its squash lessons, where players can hone their skills under the tutelage of experienced coaches Whether a novice or an advanced player seeking to refine their technique, these lessons cater to individual needs, fostering skill development and a deeper understanding of the game The emphasis on personalized coaching sets Nicol Squash nyc apart, ensuring that each participant receives tailored guidance to enhance their performance.